FIFA World Cup Tournament
It's the final round! Get in on this World Cup action with CCC. Boot up your favourite console for this third and final installment of our virtual FIFA 20 tournament!
About the Event
If you're looking for a little more soccer with a lot less touching, you've found it! Turn on your favourite gaming console and join Calgary Corporate Challenge's Final FIFA 20 Tournament of 2020! Is this a good time for a Bend It Like Beckham reference? Or would we prefer an Andres Cantor "Goooooooal" moment? Just take both.
If you participated in July or August, you'll notice some changes! Players will select one of the 200+ FIFA National Teams to compete as for the duration of the tournament*. The stakes literally couldn't be higher (fact check: they could).
The tournament will consist of two rounds: Night 1 - Group Stage (Round Robin, 2 game Matches) and Night 2 - Knockout Stage (Single-Elimination game, sudden-death game if necessary). We're in the big leagues now!
Own a console but never played FIFA 20 before? This is the perfect time to give it a try! FIFA 20 is currently Free for all EA Play members! For the low price of $4.99 (one month subscription, can be cancelled) you could play this game and more!
*Upon registering, players will submit their Top 5 choices. Priority will be given to those who have participated in past CCC FIFA 20 tournaments. The remaining team selections will be on a first-come first-served basis.
All employees from registered companies Canada-wide
Your preferred console (PS4, Xbox, PC) and access to the online multiplayer membership (PlayStation Plus, Xbox Live Gold, Origin Platform)
Registration Deadline
Monday September 7, 12:00pm. First 32 registrants guaranteed. Please note: CCC requires a minimum of 12 players to run the tournament.
Tournament Schedule
To be emailed to participants the day before the event.
Stay Connected
Join the CCC Discord Server. The "FIFA 20 Lobby (CCC)" Voice Channel is where the CCC Staff will be available to answer any questions.
Participants must be in their the Pool-specific Voice Channel at least 15 minutes before the start of the first game.
Night 1 - Group Stage (Round Robin)
09September 20207:00 pm (MDT)Night 2 - Knockout Stage (Single Elimination)
10September 20207:00 pm (MDT)
Game Day Requirements
Please Note: All participants must check in on the day of the event via our Discord Server by joining their respective Voice Channels (details in the email sent out before the event). Failure to appear on Discord may result in a Forfeit of the tournament.
The "FIFA 20 Lobby" Voice Channel is where you can pop in to chat with the CCC staff and ask any questions you may have. Participants will be in pool-specific Voice Channels once the tournament has started to stay connected!
PS4 Users - Please join the PS4 Community "Calgary Corporate Challenge" at least 24 hours in advance of the tournament. This will allow you to start games with your opponents without adding them as friends (you can still add them if you'd like).